agri experts is the full-service market research provider for the agricultural, forestry and hunting sectors in Germany.

Only we at agri experts can translate the knowledge and experience that abounds in these sectors into economic growth and feasible solutions. Nobody is closer to these markets than we at agri experts.

Firmly rooted in these sectors and driven by our agricultural DNA, we are passionate about advancing your business. We help you to sow data and reap solutions!

Our services as a market research institution

Designing the questionnaire
Recruitment & Field Phase
Analysis & Evaluation
Our services

What our clients are saying

Christian Elmauer
Christian Elmauer

General Manager Fritzmeier Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co. KG

A market research study carried out by agri experts for our ISARIA brand has provided us with valuable information about our target group and their needs.

Barbara Sester
Barbara Sester

CEO, Badischer Landwirtschafts-Verlag

“agri experts has been a competent partner for our panel survey market research activities for over three years. With their professional and competent project management, we are able to generate exciting industry insights and make them available to our readers as valuable content.”

Christian Kapitz
Christian Kapitz

Market Research, Versicherungskammer Group

We conducted a combined Qual-Quant basic study with agri experts and were very enthusiastic about the cooperation. The results and insights into the agricultural market have definitely helped our company. Gladly again!

Dr. Jens Rommel
Dr. Jens Rommel

Schwedische Agraruniversität

We were very satisfied with the solution-oriented and efficient implementation of the survey of around 500 farmers. The complex programming of the questionnaire was implemented pragmatically and high data quality was achieved.

Dr. Fabian Thomas
Dr. Fabian Thomas

Universität Osnabrück

Despite the unusual nature of our project – the survey was coupled with a random experiment – agri experts implemented everything very professionally. We were particularly pleased with the open communication and efficient technical implementation.

Christin Klar
Christin Klar

Senior Marketing Managerin FarmFacts GmbH

Together with agri experts we were able to generate target group insights with high data quality. Surveys can be conducted quickly and easily via the online access panel.

Dipl.-Ing.agr. Kai-Uwe Eisenhut
Dipl.-Ing.agr. Kai-Uwe Eisenhut

Netafim Deutschland GmbH

We implemented a quantitative market research on the topic of irrigation in agriculture with agri experts. Due to the complexity of the topic, we were very pleased that agri experts competently supported us in creating the questionnaire. The results provided us with numerous new insights that we were able to incorporate into our strategic corporate planning in a target-oriented manner.

Simon Michel-Berger
Simon Michel-Berger

Chief Editor, agrarheute

“agri experts provides reliable data for wide-ranging reporting, which in turn is often quoted by other media. In times of perceived truths, resilient facts are particularly valuable.”

Target groups and Panels

Integrated in a leading specialist publishing house, agri experts has access to more than 80% of the German farmers. Therefore, we are able to generate relevant insights into specific target groups.

Arable crops
Forage drops
Special crops (fruits and vegetables)
Our target groups and panels