Survey of German farmers on agricultural insurance

What was the goal?

Conducting a basic study by applying a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to gain insights into the risks perceived by farmers, the risks they are insured against, what they expect from a good insurance and why they choose not to have an insurance.

Our services for this project:

Comprehensive project management
Programming of the questionnaire
Conducting and coordinating the fieldwork for the quantitative and qualitative survey
Evaluation and consolidation of the data from the quantitative and qualitative surveys
Interpretation and clear preparation of the results in presentation form
Our services

Who is the client?

The study, consisting of quantitative and qualitative elements, was conducted on behalf of the Versicherungskammer Group.

Go to Versicherungskammer

Who was the target group?

The target group of the study were German farmers who make decisions in the field of insurance. These were recruited by the agri experts’ panel of farmers and readers of Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag. Almost 700 farmers took part in the survey.

Our target group

External report on the study

The excerpts of the study for the Versicherungskammer Group were published by agrarheute in its editorial print coverage (agrarheute 03/2022) as well as online (“What must a good insurance in agriculture provide?”).

Link to study

What our client says

Christian Kapitz

Market Research, Versicherungskammer Group

We conducted a combined Qual-Quant basic study with agri experts and were very enthusiastic about the cooperation. The results and insights into the agricultural market have definitely helped our company. Gladly again!